Office Address

Lot 111, The Flore Complex
Floreal, Mauritius

Phone Number

(+230) 5250 7261

Email Address

As the founder of SilverFin Consulting Ltd [“SilverFin”], it is with great excitement (but also some trepidations!) that I am announcing SilverFin’s formal launch as an accounting and business consulting firm in January 2022. Please check our website for our array of services. Having personally joined the Great Resignations movement in 2021 (everyone will have their own reasons for doing so!) and amidst the continuing impact of the pandemic, it is indeed a challenge to start a new venture.

Coincidentally, just like a baby, SilverFin took 9 months to get started and kicking! In a regulated world, gone are the days when professional firms get their approval in a matter of days. My tribulations on the various stages, from SilverFin’s incorporation as a firm to the approvals of ACCA- UK and MIPA, will require another blog. There have already been some who have contacted me for assistance, so if anyone is willing to learn from my own experience or form his own venture, feel free to get in touch with me. Life without sharing is meaningless and anyone who has collaborated with me during my long career in the finance / global business sector can testify! Forming a company for me means interacting with other people and sharing knowledge with a common objective of improving the lives of people. There have already been interests from some finance professionals to join me in this venture. You will be kept informed on any developments in this area through SilverFin’s monthly blog. No doubt that with my own experience as a professional accountant and consultant added to that of SilverFin’s future partner(s), we will complement each other to make SilverFin a name to reckon with in the field of finance and consulting in the near future.

SilverFin’s motto is personal touch! Our vision is to become a trusted and recognised professional firm and our mission is to accompany our valued clients in their projects. These are not buzz words for us – these have been well thought as we really care for people. Our pledge to all our potential clients – this professional firm was formed to truly demarcate itself from the other traditional firms to give you the ultimate customer experience. In another blog, I will share with you an overview of our strategy but suffice to say that we are expecting to have a tie up with an international firm by 2025/26, once we have a strong footing. Our blogs are meant to be monthly and will cover current, emerging and trending topics such as ESG / sustainability, update on AML/CFT and IFRS, digital finance, the need to regulate Crypto, cloud – based accounting, etc. If there are any burning issues in our field of expertise, we will issue ad-hoc blogs and / or articles and we will gladly cover any subject of interest if we are solicited by anyone. I am signing off on this first blog of SilverFin, hoping it brings good omen for its growth. I invite any of my ex-colleagues, family members, friends, acquaintances, or anyone to drop me a word of support, advice, criticism and why not a client referral!

Wish you all the very best for 2022, which seems more promising than the previous 2 years.
Sandeep Fakun, FCCA, TEP
Mobile – 52507261
Date:15th January 2022